Diet Disruptors Podcast

Diet Disruptors Podcast

Hosted by: Carrie Lupoli

Hate diets, love carbs, but still want to get healthy and look amazing? You can. The Diet Disruptors Podcast is hosted by Carrie Lupoli, nutrition coach and founder of Disruptive Nutrition where she and her team are...

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Episode 190: What's Really Weighing You Down - Episode 1

We are doing something exciting here at DN! Today, we are officially launching a podcast series designed to help you get to the bottom of what is REALLY weighing you down! 50% of people will have done some sort of...
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Episode 189: How to make the MOST out of your summer!

Summer is here and we are determined to enjoy it!   What are the things you want to do this summer? Travel with your family? Go to the beach once a week? Walk every day? So, how do we get ALL the things done that we...
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Episode 188: 5-Day Challenge Recap - Because FOMO Sucks!

If you’ve been paying attention the last couple of weeks you would know that we just ran an incredible 5-day, LIVE Lifestyle Launch that was entirely free! Carrie was live every day with content related to not only...
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Episode 187: Real Talk with Real Clients - Rosana's Transformation

Meet Rosana, who from 13 years old until last January, spent her life searching for the perfect diet to get to the perfect weight. Like many of the women we work with, Rosana says her approach to health was wrong. It...
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Episode 186: Real Talk with Real Clients - Cathie Mackie

We absolutely love a Real Talk with Real Clients episode. This week we have a special guest who has been with Disruptive Nutrition since March. Meet stay at home mom, Cathie! In just a few short months, she has...
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Episode 185: Control the MAYhem!

This time of year can feel a little chaotic. Right? School is wrapping up, we have final concerts, recitals, and games, etc. Summer is quickly approaching.   Many of our clients have told us that May brings out...
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Episode 184: Is Healthy Eating A Sign of Disordered Eating?

  What does the word healthy really mean? It seems like lately, the word healthy means skinny to the general population. Is that accurate? And are we on the verge of taking that too far?? We, as a culture, have turned...
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Episode 183: Intermittent Fasting...Friend or Foe?

It’s all over the internet and many of you have asked us about this. The topic of intermittent fasting is a controversial one and Carrie is digging into it today!    Traditionally, all diets are based on the idea of...
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Episode 182: Your Motive, Admissible In Court?

Admittedly, we are totally obsessed with a True Crime binge session and the courtroom has got us thinking about our own motives. The motive is legally irrelevant but always admissible. Why? Because the motive really...
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Episode 181: Why Healthy Eating is Making You Sick

Do you look at food as either good or bad? If you do, you’re not alone. Many of the women we talk with have expressed that food is binary. It’s one thing good, or the other, bad. But this isn’t really the full picture...
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Episode 180: Calories, Carrie...Do They Matter or Not?

Do you know what calories actually are? We know that seems like a silly question, but when you’ve grown up in diet culture people seem to view calories as an indicator of how healthy or not food is.    Calories are...
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Episode 179: Carrie Unleashed - Weight Loss Drugs

  Here we go! Many of you have asked for Carrie’s response to this and today, well…she’s giving it. Completely raw and unleashed!  This topic isn’t simple, and it’s laced with confusion and controversy. Not to...
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