Diet Disruptors Podcast

Diet Disruptors Podcast

Hosted by: Carrie Lupoli

Hate diets, love carbs, but still want to get healthy and look amazing? You can. The Diet Disruptors Podcast is hosted by Carrie Lupoli, nutrition coach and founder of Disruptive Nutrition where she and her team are...

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Episode 178: The Real Reason (and Solution) for Emotional Eating

Sometimes our emotions get a hold of us! How many of you have ever thought SCREW IT! I’m eating the (cake, cookies, ice cream, donuts, etc! And then you feel gross afterward?! You soon realize that you sabotaged...
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Episode 177: Because FOMO Sucks!

If you’ve been paying attention the last couple of weeks you would know that we just ran an incredible 5-day (well 6 days really), LIVE Lifestyle Launch that was entirely free! Carrie was live every day with content...
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Episode 176: Flashback - Are You Ghosting Yourself?

Our entire team has been hard at work getting our 5-Day Live Challenge launched this week, so we aren’t going to be live, but are featuring a flashback episode that we think is really important!  We are revisiting the...
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Episode 175: It's Crazy, But I'm Doing It!

85% of women have disordered eating or lack of confidence in their body. Read that again 85%!!!!  We can’t even blame it on social media because we’ve been influenced for decades to think that our value as women is...
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Episode 174: Truth is a Lie

This week we are flashing back to a really important episode about the things we tell ourselves.  Raise your hand if you've been telling yourself you're just too busy to actually make changes related to your overall...
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Episode 173: I Know What To Do, I Just Dont Do It

Have you ever thought to yourself I know what to do, I just don’t do it? It’s not just you! There is actual psychology around why we don’t stick to things!    Our brain loves change and new things, but it doesn’t like...
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Episode 172: Love Yourself Much?

Do you love yourself? We’re serious! Read that again, process the question and answer it honestly. Do you truly love yourself or do you hate your body so much that you’ve been searching for things to fix it your whole...
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Episode 171: You Are What You Eat

We are digging into something a little controversial this week! Who has heard about the Netflix documentary series, You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment? The idea for the series is based on an 8-week study...
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Episode 170: New Year, New Deb.

Here at Disruptive Nutrition you may have heard us say, even coaches need a coach! Well, this week, we’re proving it with Deb’s story. Deb is an abundance & life coach and has been working with DN for the last 6...
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Episode 169: Menopause and how to LOVE it

The number one topic of discussion recently has been around menopause and let’s be honest, from what society has told us about what to expect, the hot flashes, the night sweats, the lack of sleep, etc. why wouldn’t we...
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Episode 168: DN Holiday Tips

Do you feel in control during the holidays? Or does it feel like total chaos? If your answer is the latter, you’re not alone! DN to the rescue! We are doing something a little differently this week and featuring a...
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Episode 167: Why DN?

Has anyone ever asked you what your WHY is? You know, that thing that drives you, gives you a purpose and doesn’t let anything get in the way of it (there’s no derailing from this you guys). Real transformation...
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