Episode 93: Stop the Summer Sabotage

Episode #93

It’s SUMMERTIME, folks!  And every year women tell us they cannot start a new nutritional program at the start of the summer, but there is something WRONG if your approach to getting healthy only works during certain times of the year!  

Not to mention, weight gain is a symptom of health and hormones and your body is telling you that you are in trouble!  Do NOT sabotage yourself this summer!

At Disruptive Nutrition, our approach is about understanding food, knowing how to eat to serve your body anywhere at any time, recognizing that food also serves your body, AND never feeling deprived… 

So Carrie is going to share 15 Summer Hacks, and you do not even have to do them ALL, to get yourself healthier RIGHT NOW! And when you can do this during the summer… you can do it ANY time!  In this episode, Carrie discusses…

  • Empowered Summer Thinking 
  • 15 Daily Summer Tweaks for Improved Health

For more information on the shakes, supplements, and protein bars we recommend, check out: 

Learn more about making good nutrition a sustainable lifestyle by heading over to Facebook to interact with Carrie and her team!  We answer questions, share timely and relevant information, and even share our grocery store finds!  You can find us by going to www.facebook.com/groups/dietdisruptors!  Be sure to subscribe to this podcast to learn more as Carrie and her coaches continue to disrupt everything you THOUGHT you knew about nutrition!

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