Episode 86: Are you ghosting yourself?

Recently, Coach Carrie learned all about the term “ghosting” and she realized that, while we all equate ghosting to dating or friendships gone wrong… the most dangerous ghosting of all is the one that so MANY of us are doing to our OWN bodies!


Whether you have been a serial dieter or not, there are TONS of signs that your body is sending you every single day about your health and longevity.  But are you actually listening to those signs, or are you ghosting yourself by ignoring that communication?


This week Coach Carrie has some serious truth to lay down.  You are going to want to grab a pen and paper, because she is going to ask you to evaluate your own health with a number of checklists! 


It is time for you to really take a look at yourself and to truly listen to your body so that you can start making changes to rewrite YOUR story.  


Carrie is URGENT for you, and wants you to start getting URGENT for yourself so that you can make those changes NOW that will serve you for all of your tomorrows.  


 In this episode, she discusses…


  • How we DIET our Way to Disease
  • Dr Mark Hyman’s Risk Assessment Checklist
  • Toxicity in your System
  • Signs of Toxicity in your Body
  • Signs of Food Addiction


If you answered YES to any of those checklist questions, do not wait to book a call with one of our coaches so we can talk to you and help you figure out how you can turn your nutrition and your health around TODAY!  It is time to listen to your body, come to its aide, and act with some URGENCY! https://www.disruptivenutrition.com/training    


Learn more about making good nutrition a sustainable lifestyle by heading over to Facebook to interact with Carrie and her team!  We answer questions, share timely and relevant information, and even share our grocery store finds!  You can find us by going to www.facebook.com/groups/dietdisruptors!  Be sure to subscribe to this podcast to learn more as Carrie and her coaches continue to disrupt everything you THOUGHT you knew about nutrition!


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