Episode 135 Real Talk With Real Clients: Three Years & Counting

Meet real DN client Deb! Like so many women we have interviewed recently, her lifelong challenge with her body and her weight started at a young age after being influenced by her mother. She remembers being on her first diet in 8th grade! At age 55, she’s been dieting for decades and has either lived in feast (binging) or famine (deprivation). For years, she was taking care of everyone, but not herself. Now, Deb is healthy! Her blood sugar is lower, her sleep is better and she has more energy than people who are younger than she is!

Join Carrie to hear how Deb shows up for herself:

- Stays focused on her WHY. What’s your why?!

- Is very engaged in the DN group and the community built for support

- Participates in the systems set up around food. She can take food anywhere and doesn’t have to spend time figuring out what to eat!

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